Researchers Find Light Activities That Can Help the Mobility Of Women During Aging

Researchers Find Light Activities That Can Help the Mobility Of Women During Aging

The health benefits of regular exercise for both men and women are manifold. Not only does it  help you keep physically and mentally active, but also reduces the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and cancer among others. Whether it is a brisk walk in the park, Pilates, yoga, or high-intensity workouts such as treadmill, aerobics, or lifting weights, you can choose one that is comfortable to you to keep yourself fit.

The research 

If you are a woman, you can also make use of the BMI calculator for women available online to keep your weight in check and know whether your Body mass index is within healthy limits.

This is in light of a new research conducted by scientists at UC San Diego’s Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Sciences that has revealed that regular physical activity of a light intensity such as walking or even shopping can help women stay mobile even as they get older.

Mobility disability, a condition in which women above 65 years of age experience difficulty walking or climbing stairs, leaving them dependent on others, is quite common in the United States. The study observed 5735 women residing in the United States aged 63 years and above who were a part of the Women’s Health Initiative’s objectively measured physical activity and cardiovascular health study.

Benefits of low intensity physical activity

They engaged in a low-intensity activity for an average of 4.8 hours a day over a week. This was measured accurately using an accelerometer specifically designed for research purposes. Loss of mobility was reduced by 46% in women who spent more time doing the low-intensity exercise when compared to those who devoted less time to walking or any other physical activity.

The results of the study were similar irrespective of the women being either White, Black or Latinx. Both obese and non-obese women showed a decrease in mobility disability. However, those with a BMI under 30 benefitted the most. According to senior author, Distinguished Professor and chief of the Epidemiology Division, Andrea LA Croix (Ph.D., MPH), all kinds of movement, not just moderate-to-intense physical activity can help preserve mobility, especially among aging women.

It was also observed that the chances of experiencing a loss of mobility in women who did not have any such issues at the beginning of the study were reduced by 40% in the next six years.

The study emphasizes the role of even light exercise on the overall well-being of women to stay physically independent and agile when they are old.


Obesity can put both men and women at a greater risk of developing health problems, which is why if you are a woman, you should use a BMI calculator for women to know when your BMI is off the limit. However, being physically fit is no guarantee of contracting a disease, given the rise in infectious as well as non-communicable diseases in India.

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