
Gynecomastia: Classification & treatment

Gynecomastia; a condition responsible for enlargement of chest among men is common and mostly a result of excessive gland production. For proper Gynecomastia treatment, it’s important to understand the type and causes which also helps preventing the condition from reoccurring.

While hormonal fluctuation is a common reason, certain medical conditions are also responsible for the abnormal chest expansion in men. These can be malnutrition, recovery from poor diet, fat deposits and intake of particular medicines.
Classification of Gynecomastia

Puffy/inflated bosom

Like the name implies, this particular type of Gynecomastia occurs due to swelling of the bosom. Chest may extend abnormally as a large egg all the way to areola margin and forms a conical shape. This is most common due to denser glandular tissues as compared to the fat tissues.

Less than 45 degree chest angle

This is yet another common Gynecomastia treated by cosmetic surgery due to the size. In this condition, excessive chest tissues spread across the area that eventually tightens the skin. Surgery is required for treating this particular type.

Mild sagging

In this situation, chest angles between 45 and 60 degrees which is mild sagging of the chest skin. Certain exercises like push-ups, crunches and bench presses are recommended by the doctor.

Moderate sagging

Chest angles awkwardly to more or less 90 degrees which is the reason for moderate sagging of the skin on and around the chest area!

Significant to extreme skin excess

The angle of chest with “significant skin excess” is greater than 90 degrees whereas the tissue would sag below the chest fold. In “extreme skin excess”, men develops chest similar to women which is only treated through surgery.
Gynecomastia treatment


Strict adherence to a well-balanced diet is extremely important for permanent and lasting results of Gynecomastia treatment in UAE. On the contrary, this is something your doctor would advise in almost all types. Adhering to proper diet would eventually help you lose weight to reduce the size of abnormal chest expansion. Common ingredients in the diet plan may include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein diet including fish, eggs, beans and lentils. Avoid food that are high in sodium, fat and sugar.


Routine aerobic, cardiovascular and certain chest exercises are beneficial in lots of ways. Not only these’ll help reducing Gynecomastia but keep you in good shape as well as burns fat. Physician usually recommend cardio exercises two to three times per week for 30 minutes maximum but if someone’s pushing it more, better would be the results. If you’ve lack of time going to the gym, swimming, walking briskly, jogging and even dance moves would help.


Many effective medicines are available nowadays due to rapid advancement in medical science and health industry. Different pills contain natural and organic compounds proven to reduce the size of male chest without any side effects. Chromium Picolinate may be present in these medicines to keep the cholesterol low so that fat deposits won’t be stored in the chest area.


Gynecomastia treatment is easy once you know the type of anomaly.

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