How can I make my smile brighter?

4 Tips for Better Teeth And a Brighter Smile

If you’re in search of better teeth, it’s time to take matters into your own hands by coming up with a proactive plan that addresses each facet of your oral health and hygiene. The question is, where do you begin? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Develop the Right Brushing and Flossing Routine

There’s no way to avoid brushing and flossing. If you want healthy teeth, you have to be consistent about brushing at least twice per day. Furthermore, you should floss at least once per day (preferably before going to bed). This prevents buildup and gives you a fresher smile.

  • Eat Healthily

Your diet has a direct and visible impact on your oral health. And if you want to achieve a brighter, healthier smile, you must be mindful of your diet. This means avoiding the wrong foods and prioritizing the ones that encourage positive oral health.

Dentists recommend staying away from foods that contain lots of refined sugar, as well as foods with high levels of starch (like bread, crackers, pasta, chips, etc.). These foods have the tendency to linger, which gives acid-producing bacteria breeding ground.

In terms of food that’s good for you, try raw fruits and vegetables that have a crunch. Not only do crunchy foods like this contain more fiber, but they also act as natural “scrubbers” for your teeth.

  • Be Proactive With Dental Issues

We all have our own unique health issues. The unfortunate thing about certain dental issues is that they’re challenging to disguise from others. The only way to address these issues is to deal with them head-on.

Missing teeth are one of the most common issues (and they often cause people to not smile). The good news is that overcoming this embarrassing gap and restoring your smile might be as simple as getting a dental implant.

In addition to addressing dental issues like this, you’ll benefit from seeing a dentist twice a year for a cleaning. A dental cleaning helps remove plaque before it becomes an issue and gives you an opportunity to preemptively address minor issues before they become big problems. 

  • Try Teeth Whitening

Yellow teeth can be caused by many factors, but are typically the result of stained enamel (the outer layer of your teeth) due to plaque buildup. In other situations, it’s because the enamel has eroded, and the dentin underneath is revealed, which has a yellowish color. But either way, nobody wants yellow teeth! What, if anything can be done to restore those pearly whites?

Some people – including dentists – will suggest an over-the-counter home whitening product. And though they may be effective, many of these products contain harsh chemicals (like bleach), which is a concern. Thankfully other options could work, such as:

  • Brushing with baking soda leverages natural whitening properties to scrub away surface-level enamel stains and brighten your smile. Baking soda also has the dual benefit of creating an alkaline environment in the mouth, discouraging bacterial growth.
  • Limit your intake of foods that are most likely to cause staining. This includes coffee, soda, and red wine. When you do consume these foods, brush soon after drinking.
  • Try oil pulling, which is the ancient eastern method of swishing oil around in the mouth to remove bacteria/toxins and improve oral hygiene.

In addition to some of these alternative options, you may find bleach-free whitening products on the aisles of your local pharmacy or health store. You’ll have to do your own research to find out how safe and effective they are. 

Learn to Love Your Smile

A smile might seem like a small thing, but it’s an important part of who you are. If they say the eyes are a window into the soul, your smile may very well be a window into your personality. It says a lot about who you are and how confident you are. Your smile can make or break a first impression and indirectly play a role in networking and other important aspects of your personal and professional lives. 

While no two smiles are the same, it’s important that you get comfortable with yours. Once you do, an entire world of new opportunities will emerge, and you’ll finally embrace the level of self-confidence needed to be happy and successful.

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